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Tara Myers is hitting the news as the Missouri college teacher outed for her porn star past. With porn stars typically having a relatively short working life, what is a teen to do after her working life in front of the camera comes to an end? In some instances, porn stars see the light and decide the ‘industry’ is not
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210,000+ full-length adult videos on demand in a perfectly organized database. State-of-the-art search tools get you right to the movies you want to see. Your account is free, and we’ll give you free minutes to get started watching if you visit us today.
With a worldwide box-office gross of over $2.7 billion, Avatar is often proclaimed to be the “highest-grossing” film, but such claims usually refer to theatrical revenues only and do not take into account home video and television income, which can form a significant portion of a film’s earnings. Once revenue from home entertainment is factored in it is not immediately clear which film …
The Korean Film Page is designed to give the reader an overview of the films, issues, people, and events that shape the film community in Korea. Updated frequently.
Jun 20, 2010 · Ever been curious what goes on behind the scenes? This eye-opening book reveals all the steamy—and sometimes horrifying—secrets of the history of the adult film industry.
Which monsters are the most terrifying? We give you the top ten monsters of Greek Mythology that will give you nightmares. Number ten is
Based on over 36,000 votes, Meryl Streep is ranked number 1 out of 678 choices. Agree? Disagree? Place your vote on the top 10 list of Best Actresses.