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A husband blindfolds his wife and has a well hung man come into the room and feel her up. He wants to watch her fuck a fat cock but first this stranger rips off her panties and gets her nice and wet by eating her sweet pussy, sucking clit and licking muff. The husband watches as his WIFE gets hornier and hornier finally taking the stranger’s …
This whore is back on Facial again to take on 3 guys. Every time she was here before there was always trash involved so today she got a garbage can over her head.
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The Actual Story: Moon – Midget Hooker from Phuket Moon works at a beer bar on Soi Tiger in Phuket. Moon has a tight little body, maybe 4’10” (148cm) tall and a …
When his (pregnant) teenfriend’s mom ran for vice president and he was thrust into the national spotlight, Levi Johnston found his life spinning out of control. In an exclusive look back, the author tells editors at Vanity Fair about everyday life chez Palin—where the s are in charge, man is threatening divorce, and Sarah the moose-hunting, stew …
In Just Go With It, a plastic surgeon, romancing a much er collegeteacher, enlists his loyal assistant to pretend to be his soon to be ex-wife, in order to cover up a careless lie. When more lies backfire, the assistant’s s become involved, and everyone heads off for a weekend in Hawaii that will change all their lives. — (C) Sony
Oct 04, 2016 · John Salley can’t understand the criticism over Dennis Rodman’s trip to North Korea, because he believes his former teammate is in no small part responsible for what could be an historic…
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