The “comfort women” – the many thousands of women who served as sex slaves for Japanese soldiers during the second world war – are a hugely emotive topic. A statue of two of them – one Chinese and one Korean – erected near the Japanese consulate in Hong Kong’s Central district this
Sexual slavery (sometimes known as sexual exploitation) is attaching the right of ownership over one or more persons with the intent of coercing or otherwise forcing them to engage in one or more sexual activities.
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Lawmakers in South Korea OK’d legislation Friday that would create a holiday to recognize the thousands of sex slaves, or “comfort women,” used by the Japanese military during World War II—despite the damage the event could do to the country’s relationship with Tokyo. The National Assembly
Japan forced tens of thousands of Korean women to be sex slaves in World War II
A statue in San Francisco honoring the so-called “comfort women” sex slaves from World War II has enraged officials in Japan, who say they’re ready to cut ties with their teen city over it. Osaka Mayor Hirofumi Yoshimura sent a letter to his California counterpart last month blasting the
Human slavery Part 1 of 4: Allegations of Japanese sex slavery before & during World War II. Different perspectives on responsibility.. Quotations:
Japan said Monday, April 3, it would send its ambassador back to South Korea after a diplomatic row prompted his recall in January.
TOKYO — Japan and South Korea said Monday that they had “finally and irreversibly” resolved a dispute over wartime sex slaves that has bedeviled relations between the two countries for decades. In something of a surprise development, the two countries’ foreign ministers met in Seoul to
First ever footage of the sex slaves who still shame Japan: Film shows US and Chinese troops freeing Koreans forced to become ‘comfort women’ for …