Choose Payment Button: USA, International, or Canada Contact Seller. 1956 Watch Advertisement . This Favre-Leuba Sea King is a great looking 50’s vintage small size watch with a very nice black dial. is the ultimate sports apparel store and Fan Gear Shop. Our sports store features Football, Baseball, and Basketball Jerseys, T-shirts, Hats and more for NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, MLS and College teams.
Hard plastic dolls including Pedigree, Roddy and Rosebud hard plastic dolls.
Hemmi Vectolog Model P253, New in Case with Instructions. The Hemmi Vectolog was one of the later Hemmi rules, made of very heavy plastic, with a modern design.
Bakelite was the first completely synthetic plastic which was invented in 1904 by Leo Baekeland but this plastic was not used for making buttons until the 1920s.
Welcome to the one-stop shop for antique clothing buttons, vintage buttons, collectible buttons, usable vintage seamstress buttons, Czech glass buttons, uniform buttons, assorted material buttons, button buying/selling, button study pages, Consignment Corner, Hand-Crafted and Vintage Jewelry and two guest pages (Christy Bachman) …
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Welcome to Kit Krazy, still the best independent online model shop in the UK.. We have thousands (1,092 to be exact) of rare, vintage and unusual plastic kits available at the touch of a button.
sample of vintage metal buttons. sample of vintage metal picture buttons. sample of new Pewter from Norway, and vintage nickel Strawberry button. Metal